Recent Notes


Ebony Jewelwings (the Fat Guy Gets the Girl)

Some critters are very aptly named. Others, well, it can get a little confusing. Case in point, the Ebony Jewelwing. Now, everything in that name is apropos: ebony? the wings are jet black; jewel? the abdomen is a jewel-like iridescent green; wings? yep, four of them....

Aurora Damsels

There are several species of damselfly that live in and around our local wet areas. They can be extremely difficult to tell apart, and I am often left uncertain as to exactly what I have seen. Some, however, are pretty unmistakable. One of easiest to identify has to...

Return of the Orioles

It has been an odd spring. An early warm spell in late March led to early blooming wildflowers and early emerging insects. However, a series of fronts in April have kept our migrating songbirds cooling their tarsi south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Last night, they broke...